How to learn to experience and exercise your illumined Consciousness:
- Realizing the Pure Essence of Mind or Consciousness
- Seeking and Finding, Seeking and Knowing God, Truth, Reality, the Dharma and the Tao, in and through One’s Consciousness
- Learning to Break Free of the Prison of Attachment and Identification and the Fragmentation and Chaos of Voices in Your Mind
- Discovering, Understanding, and Strategically Instituting Plans and Intentions for Fulfilling One’s Destiny
The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle.
A key element in this dimension is connecting to a Desire for the Truth Above All, which involves seeking a real understanding of your state and the world around you by looking beyond and underneath the surface of things to a deeper, unconditioned understanding. It includes not being deceived by appearances, conventions, noise and hype and looking for the valuable meaning and essence of things.
To do this you need to develop an observer – that place of separation in yourself that is able to notice what is going on inside of you without getting lost in your doing or how you feel. It’s a place of relaxed neutrality. Establishing an observer is a point of leverage because it gives you the ability to see yourself and what you do with objectivity. Awareness is the first step of change and the insights you gain from having an observer give you clues for creating strategies for new choices that you can commit to.
Clarity of vision is another key element because it gives you meaning, and inspiration to guide your daily actions. When your choices align with your values it concentrates the potency of your efforts by reinforcing your sense of purpose and integrity. Connecting with your vision, reflecting on your experiences, journaling your insights, and working towards an upright and open posture all contribute to helping you strengthen your observer and keep the big view on what your life is about, thus developing your consciousness.
The fundamental element of this cosmos is space. Space is the all-embracing principle of higher unity. Its nature is emptiness; and because it is empty, it can contain and embrace everything. In contrast to space is the principle of substance, of differentiation, of ‘thingness’. But nothing can exist without space. Space is the precondition of all that exists, be it in material or immaterial form, because we can neither imagine an object nor a being without space. Space, therefore, is not only a conditio sine qua non of all existence, but a fundamental property of our consciousness.
—Lama Anagarika Govinda
A sample of some key things to be focused on throughout the day in working with this dimension:
In the External World – Space, Light, Air, the Invisible, the Heavens.
For the purpose of exercising your consciousness for the sake of self-knowledge:
1. self-observation – picturing and attempting to watch (with and from the vicinity of your third eye) the totality of your body and all its positions, movements, gestures and facial expressions while doing activities;
2. watching as an outsider the contents of your mind.
For strengthening and expanding the experience of genuine consciousness, establishing and maintaining as much as possible the outside and above pole of consciousness and self- observation and from that place:
1. affirming, positioning, and body sensing yourself as one integrated whole, tall and upright, head up, eyes fully open, spacious and open in the chest;
2. being attentive to the breath.
To arrive at the simplest truth requires years of contemplation – not activity, not reasoning, not busy behavior of any kind, not reading, not talking, not making effort, not thinking.
—Isaac Newton