This is blunt, but the simplest thing that can be said about how people usually move and conduct their lives uses the word ‘flailing.’ Our movement, our behavior, our conversation is all flailing. We’re just throwing stuff out and off of us real carelessly and casually. We’re not composed, we’re not grounded, we’re not deep with how we [More …]
The Power of Presence
Presence is far more powerful than all the unpresence in the world. But it requires making contact with it for its power to operate. You can be really still and sit – you don’t have to worry about the thoughts. Presence is stronger than lack of presence, but you have to stay committed and be [More …]
Struggle Involves Action
A lot of times I will find students don’t succeed, not for lack of desire, but for the fact that they don’t find the methods or means to put their desire into action. To concretize it, to make it count for something. There are a lot of people with incredible passion and dreams and visions and [More …]
The Food Project: Diet and Conscious Eating
Nourishment Nourishment of body and being is at the heart of our work at Highland. When it comes to taking care with food no aspect is neglected – whether it’s cooking, eating, or serving a meal; growing and harvesting food in our organic garden; or handling and caring for food anywhere along the way. We [More …]
Energy and Instruments
With any phenomenon in the Universe, you’re dealing with a combination of two factors—Energy & Instruments. Everything we do is about Energy moving through Instruments to produce some kind of work or some kind of result. Sources of Energy Where do you find them? How do you access them? Three main external sources [More …]